
Make your own vanilla extract

Last year I made vanilla extract kits as gifts for my mom and mother-in-law's birthdays. It's a fun, easy project and a gift that keeps giving, too.

Start with a clean glass jar. I reused Pom tea jars for these vanilla sets. You need 3 vanilla beans for each jar of extract you want to make. And you need some vodka!

Decorate the lids with paper, fabric, or whatever you have to cover the printing.

I used paper, so I then sprayed it with a couple coats of clear sealer spray so that the paper wouldn’t come off.

Print out the vanilla extract instructions and decorate them as tags. I used matching paper and ribbons for each set.

Cut each vanilla bean lengthwise in the center, stopping 1 inch from the top of the bean.

Put the beans in the jar and cover with vodka.

Voila! You've got a great gift for the bakers in your life.

If you plan on mailing this gift to someone, I suggest buying a small bottle of vodka to mail with it, unless you're sure that the lid on your vanilla container will seal tightly.

Vanilla Extract tag
Give the bottle a good shake every once in a while. Store in a dark, cool place for 2 months or longer.
Lasts for years. You can keep topping it off with vodka as you use the extract. Just remember to shake it up when you add more vodka.