
Growing Pains

Phee loves her school. She has such fun and she's learned so much. And she adores Ms. Sadie, her teacher.

But, we've been looking into a French immersion Montessori school for her. French is the only other language Doug or I can speak. He's decent. I understand what he's saying sometimes. Phee understands him quite well when he speaks to her in French. She also generally ignores it which means she's capable of ignoring us in two languages now. Phee has a growing collection of French books and a set of DVDs which she asks to watch all the time. I'm learning along with her, which is a huge benefit of all these materials. Sadly, my pronunciation is less than stellar and makes Doug shake his head more often than not. Still, I'm trying.

Thoughts on a new school & new routine for my daughter, and my reluctance. -  www.LifeinRandomBits.com

Saturday, we went to an open house at the French school. Phee walked right in, took off her coat and started playing. She barely surveyed the room before she dove right in. Parents were milling around while kids played. Usually, with that many adults around, she's a little more prone to stay close to us. Not Saturday! I stepped into a different room to sign in and grab some info and when I came back, Phee was hugging the director's leg. We think that she thought it was me, but even when she saw me come out of the other room, she just looked up at the director, smiled and then yelled, "Mommy!" and we played some more.

In the end, she didn't want to leave, asking to play "two more minutes." (And, big success, she used a regular potty and not a small training potty while we were there!)

I've been somewhat apprehensive about sending Phee to another school. I'm spoiled- her current school is on the campus of the church where I work. There's no extra drive time in our day since she gets dropped off and I just have to walk down the parking lot to my office. We had the opportunity to enroll her in the French school for January and in the end I decided that I wasn't ready. I don't want to give up another hour of time with her every day with the extra driving. I already feel like I don't have enough time with her some weeks and I hate to cut into what we do have. I know that she'll flourish at this new school, though, and that she's up for the challenge of learning a second language. The decision simply came down to the fact that I'm not ready.

But she was so happy and excited on Saturday. I don't think I'll be ready even in September, but, as it's been with most big changes, Phee will drag me along with her. And it will be fine. She's ready for these changes and challenges. I know that. I know that she relishes the opportunity to learn and explore and I have no desire to hold her back.

Mostly, I just want to hold her. It's hard to do that with such and independent child, though. So, I'll be preparing to hold her hand while we run into the next big adventure this fall. I know it will be fun and she will enjoy it. In the end, I think I probably will, too. As soon as I get over those "first day of school" tears.