
Make the most of Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day- either you love it or you hate it.  Many people often find themselves disappointed once the day has come and gone because there wasn’t a big fuss made about it.  To some people, the day isn’t much more than a “greeting card holiday” full of sugary treats you don’t want to eat and meaningless red and pink “stuff” that sits around cluttering up the house.

Avoid the disappointment!  Shun the commercialization!  If you really want something that day, some token of love and affection, just tell your significant other.  Just because you've been together forever or you've been dropping hints for weeks, it doesn't mean they're going to figure it out.  They're not mind readers. Besides, everyone would probably benefit from some honest, straightforward communication. Most importantly, though, if you want the day to be special, make it so.  Cook a special breakfast treat that you don’t make very often.  Have dessert with dinner.  Do a special crafty or fun activity with the kids.  Leave little notes for your family.

You can make it a meaningful day for your whole family by doing something for others.  As a family, make Valentine’s for a local nursing home.  Bake a batch of pink and red cookies for your elderly neighbor.  Take dinner and Valentines to a sick friend or new mom and her family. 

At our house, it's usually a pretty regular day.  There might be some cards, but that's about it.  For the last 5 years or so, we've gotten a heart shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's and watched a movie- usually something along the lines of The Godfather or  Run, Fat Boy, Run.  This year, I want to make a cute little painted doily shirt for Ophelia.  Since her class is very small, she and I will be making the Valentine's for their little party.  Why buy a whole box of commercial Valentine's when you can print out 6 or 8 of your own design and your child can color them.  To add a treat to the cards, I'll be making recycled crayons for her friends.

Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate and share love.  Do that!  Share the love with your friends and family.  Show them that you care about them, not about what they give you or what you bought for them.  Show your family that they are cherished and loved and you’ll find that you thoroughly enjoy Valentine’s Day.