
Austin Love

I love Austin. Not every day. But most days.

There's so much going on all the time. Music, of course, but so much more. Austin has the cultural institutions of a big city: opera, ballet, symphony. Some festival seems to be happening every weekend; SXSW, ACL, Fun, Fun, Fun Fest. Shopping, restaurants, tourist attractions, landmarks, museums... Austin has it all.

Better than all those things, though, are the small, unique, local places. The heart of the city.  Boutiques, coffee shops, record stores... places where people are. You find yourself in these places. You find what you love, your style, you spend time working on what matters to you in these places. You can show people around all the usual vacationer, touristy spots when they visit, but you're doing them a disservice if you don't spend a little time really showing them the city.

Expore Austin and find the real places, the local places

This is a funky place. And these small business are Austin. They are full of people. Young people. Old people. Off the wall and run of the mill. They are exactly what you're looking for when you want a quiet afternoon to read. Or a fun outing with friends. Or need to show off the city to visitors.

My favorite for a nice afternoon of coffee and reading is Epoch.  The eclectic collection of comfy chairs and tables ensure that you always have the space you want for working.  The little strip mall houses a record store and vintage clothing store, too.  And, though I haven't explored the area much yet, just down the street is another little block of funky shops and restaurants.  I'm going to have to branch out at some point and look at everything.  I do love my coffee, though...

These small places are the city- any city. But here, in Austin, they are especially so. Seek out the small places. Find your favorite off-the-beaten-path restaurant. The city becomes so much more meaningful and interesting when you see it through the local flavor. Take some time to explore and enjoy the city.

I'm sure you'll find your Austin love, too.