
DIY board books for kids

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Phee loves books. We read handfuls at a time. When we go to the library, we can't leave with less than ten books. It makes me happy. It makes her happy.

She also seems to relate well to books and what they contain. She has a cute little set of books about feelings and they have definitely helped her understand some different emotions. Getting books about potty training helped her understand the concept, throughout the entire process.

DIY Board books for kids

Last year, for Father's Day, I had the idea to make a book about Phee and her dad for him. Well, really for Phee, but for them to read together and for her to have on the weeks when he's working a crappy schedule and she doesn't get to see him for three or four days.

This is a fun, simple project to make a fun book for kids. It could be about anything. I had an idea to make another one for her about going to the doctor's office, but our last two trips we've forgotten to take any pictures so that book never happened. Making a book of family photos is another great idea, especially for family that lives far away.

We also did this with our godsons and let them create their own books. We printed out band logos and record covers on full page labels and then cut them out as stickers. The boys made little band books with markers and the stickers.

DIY Board Books for Kids

DIY Board Books
  • blank board book
  • adhesive
  • markers, colored pencils, crayons, etc.
  • printed pictures
Start by deciding what you want to do for a cover and then deciding how you want to layout the book. Once you have that decided, group your pictures by activity/outing/etc. Trim the pictures so that they will fit on the smaller board book pages. I use adhesive to stick them down. Be sure to put the adhesive all around the picture, not just in little sections. Leave room to write on each page, if you choose.

I didn't use anything to cover the pictures on the pages and haven't had any trouble with them curling or coming loose. I use the Tombow Mono Adhesive and it's fantastic. I also put one picture on the cover and even that one has stayed put.

These books can be great little keepsakes of vacations, trips to the zoo, birthdays, etc. or even fun photo books of family who are far away. Use your imagination! 

DIY Board Books for Kids

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