
Menu Plan Monday {5.21.12}

I've been thinking about posting menu plans for a while.  I plan out the upcoming week every Friday afternoon so I'm ready for the farmer's market and shopping Saturday morning.  And, today seems as good as any day to start!

I use a lot of crock pot recipes.  I have Make It Fast, Cook It Slow and I love it.  I've found so many really tasty, super easy recipes. And there are a lot of vegetarian options which is nice because we try not to eat a lot of meat.  I have the second Make It Fast cookbook on my wish list and can't wait to get it.

I also try to plan out my meals to fit together, or so at least a couple of them fit together.  For example, this week I can make a big batch of rice for dinner on Sunday and the the leftover rice becomes fried rice on Monday night.  I like it when my meals fit together and do double duty to cut down on my time in the kitchen.  Plus, when Phee and I get home after work and school, she is one hungry kiddo so it's convenient to have dinner nearly ready.

Parmesan tilapia, rice, salad
(make extra rice)

Chicken fried rice
(using leftover rice from Sunday & chicken in the freezer)

Refried bean soup, salad

Leftover night

Pizza, veggies & dip, applesauce

Cheddar & sausage breakfast muffins, yogurt, fruit

What's on your menu this week?  I'm always looking for healthy, quick crock pot recipes- what's your favorite?

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Menu Plan Monday @ I'm an Organizing Junkie