
A Relaxing Day

Mother's Day was very quiet and relaxed at our house this year.  The whole weekend was nice actually.  Friday night Phee and I played with boxes and had breakfast for dinner.  She went to sleep, I had a beer and everyone was happy.

{our new building game}
Saturday, I got to go to the grocery store by myself.  Glamorous, I know.  Phee went to a parent's night out that night and I cleaned.  More glamor!   But, our dishwasher isn't disgusting anymore and the floor doesn't have spots all over it.  And we all might breathe better since I finally dusted.  If only I'd had time to put the Easter decorations away...

Doug took Sunday off, but slept in because he didn't get off work until 3:45 Sunday morning.  Phee had a late night so she sort of slept in a little bit.  And by slept in, I mean that I laid on her floor with her at 6:45 and got her back to sleep for another hour and a half. 

We were lazy and watched too much TV while I drank coffee.  Then we made dinosaur pancakes.

{breakfast of dinosaur pancakes; dinner of potatoes and chicken}
After naps (long one for Phee, short one for me) and a nice, decent, long shower for me, we headed downtown to the Blanton Museum of Art to see the Hudson River School exhibit.  I got to walk through the exhibit by myself while Doug and Phee played and went up and down the stairs.  Phee is more of a modern art girl and was totally uninterested in the Hudson River artists. 

Doug made a fantastic dinner of salad, grilled potatoes and barbecued chicken with a homemade strawberry barbecue sauce.  So tasty!  We finished off the strawberry rhubarb pie I made last week, too, which was quite yummy.

Phee made a sweet little card at school and she told us both all about it all weekend.  She also tried to give it to Doug on Saturday morning.  Doug had gotten a cute little card from them, too, but never could get Phee pinned down long enough to get her to sign it.  Still, very cute.  And it came with a Starbucks gift card, because really, you can never have too much coffee.  Doug knows me well!

It was a really nice, fun weekend and Mother's Day with our little family.  Nice and chill- just like us.

{my sweet card from Phee}