
Toddler Dresser Labels {diy}

Phee is getting really interesting in letters and so we're going to start working on letter recognition.  Right now, though, she recognizes that words are letters and talks about them all the time: "Look at the letter momma."  She'll point to signs and repeat letter names: "R. S. E. E. R. R. E. R."  Cute.  And funny.

She's also getting pretty good at dressing herself.

And she'll be going to the French school in the fall.

So, I combined all of those things and made dresser drawer labels for her last week.  I rearranged her drawers and made it easier for her to reach all of her clothes.  Then, I made a label for each drawer, or half of a drawer.  Each label has a picture of the item of clothing, the word in English and the word in French.

Phee loves it.  I can tell her it's time to go pick out one shirt, one pair of pants and one pair of undies and she can do it.  Plus shoes and socks as a bonus some mornings.  She quite proudly showed the labels off to her dad the day after we put them up.  She owned those labels and those drawers and she's having fun picking out her clothes.

So far, we've had a number of tone on tone days, but no crazy "this toddler clearly dressed herself" outfits yet.  I'm kind of looking forward to those.

This is the PDF file of the labels.  Feel free to use it!  I printed them on cardstock, cut them out and used packing tape to laminate them.  Then I affixed them to the drawers with painters tape.   Easy peasy independence and learning for your little one!

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