
Menu Plan Monday {6.25.12}

Busy, busy weekend for me.  I finally got a meal plan put together late Friday night, but I didn't bother making the grocery list until Saturday and then didn't shop until Sunday.  Hopefully I didn't forget any ingredients I need for the week with that disjointed process!

This week, I'm trying to clean out the freezer a little bit.  I bought a whole chicken a couple weeks ago.  And, while doing some rearranging, I found a container of chicken noodle soup that's been in the back of the freezer for a couple months and a package of ham that's been in there for quite a while.  So, we're cleaning out and making room for some other freezer foods.

Pizza, salad
We had a leftover take & bake pizza that we didn't end up using Friday night.  Which was really nice because I very much did not feel like cooking yesterday.

Chicken, potatoes, veggies 

Soup, fruit, bread

Pasta and tomato salad
Using fresh tomatoes and basil from the garden because we have more than we know what to do with at the moment!

Chef salads
Using part of the freezer ham.

Breakfast with ham and fruit
Using the rest of the freezer ham.

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