
Menu Plan Monday {6.18.12}

Oh, what a weekend.  I haven't been so busy in ages.  Grocery store and farmer's market, swimming, putting up Phee's new twin bed and rearranging her room.  And that was just Saturday!  Doug ended up with the flu so Sunday was quiet for him.  I had a busy day entertaining Phee and keeping her busy when she really only wanted to jump on Doug and play with him.  I think Phee and I have escaped the flu bug, though, so that's a very good thing.

I made a great menu plan on Friday which I was suppose to alter because Doug was going to make pasta one night.  He's in no shape to cook, so it's a good thing I forgot to make the changes!

And, due to the flu, this menu has already shifted around (I have an excuse every week, huh?).  But, I'm posting it as is because I do plan on still making all of these things with the exception of breakfast which is usually our filler meal anyway.  Luckily, I'm a bit ahead of the game since I prepped the fried rice, but didn't cook it yesterday.  Doug was in no mood to smell that cooking!

Hot dogs, baked beans, corn on the cob
I've got a great tip coming for freezing corn on the cob.

Fried rice

Garlic chicken, potatoes



Breakfast, fruit
I probably will end up skipping breakfast this week since my plan is now off a day.

Pizza, salad

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