
Menu Plan Monday {6.4.12}

What a busy weekend!  We had family visiting this weekend and we had a great time.  They left this morning before Phee was awake.  Once she was up and realized they were gone said asked where they were and I explained, again, that they had to go back to their own house.  "Oh, but I love them,' said Phee.  She loves it when people come to visit and she really had a lot of fun this weekend.

I threw together for a menu plan for this week sort of haphazardly.  It's hard to plan when you're having fun around town!  We've already altered the plan twice so I'm going to put up the menu that we've actually cooked so far because it turned out tastier than what I'd originally jotted down.

And, as always, my week is a little different since I plan on Fridays and shop on Saturdays so I can hit the farmers market.  So, the menu week is Saturday-Friday.

Veggie stir fry & rice 
I used a totally random assortment of veggies and it was delicious.

Lemon garlic pasta, cold shrimp cocktail 
Doug cooked and it was amazing.

Breakfast, fruit 
Easy meal after a busy weekend 

Cheesy veggie chowder, fruit 
Found this one on Pinterest and can't wait to try it.  

Salsa chicken, salad 
This is one of my favorites.  It's great by itself, over rice, or in a tortilla.


Chicken tacos, veggies & dip
The leftover salsa chicken makes great taco or enchilada filling.

We generally make soup at least once a week.  Doug and I both like to take it for lunch at work.  Some of our favorite soups make huge batches and when that's the case, I freeze half of it for a later meal.  Plus, Phee loves soup and so it's a great way to get lots of veggies into her.

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