
Summer Snowball Fight {activity}

Phee loves to watch Arthur.  She loves DW and, dare I say, acts like DW from time to time, too.  There are a few favorite episodes which we watch fairly often.  Phee also has a knack for busting out a tidbit of info from some episode she hasn't seen in ages.  She did that this weekend with an episode about DW's snowball.

She brought it up while she was trying to take a nap with Doug and then talked about it a bunch more throughout the afternoon.  When she did finally wake up from a late nap, I was ready for her.

We balled up white tissue paper and had a snowball fight with lots of yelling and running around.  She talked and talked about the episode and kept asking if she could put the pretend snowballs in the freezer. 

Instead, I put some ice in a metal mixing bowl.  We played with the ice and held the cold metal bowl.  It was a fun way to illustrate how it has to be cold for snow and ice.  It also got some big laughs from Phee. 

So, if you're looking for a way to have some winter fun to try and stave off some of this summer heat, have a summer snowball fight!

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