
Field Guide {activity}

Just a quick tip today because I'm off for a few days before my daughter starts her new preschool on Monday.  We're spending these few days doing fun things around town.

Yesterday saw us at the Dinosaur Park with some friends which was fantastic!  We followed a trail which had a scavenger hunt sheet paired with it.  Each clue was something like a dinosaur egg or fossil or small prehistoric animal.  Along the trail as we looked for the numbered clues, seventeen life size dinosaurs were tucked back into the trees and meadows.  It's really neat to come around a bend and see a gigantic dinosaur fifty feet ahead of you.

Spur of the moment before we left the house, I thought I'd throw together some "field guides" for the girls.  I was hoping that if they got a little bored, the paper and pen would help entertain them while we finished the trail.  The guides were a hit!  The girls played with them for the first twenty minutes or so and Phee proudly showed off her notes and drawings to Doug when he got home tonight.

How simple is this project?
  • Cut a piece of card stock in half.
  • Cut a handful of blank paper in half (I used six sheets).
  • Fold all the cut pages in half and assemble them like a book.
  • You can staple the pages together in the middle, or use yarn, string or twine to quickly bind the pages together.  Just cut a length of yarn, loop it along the crease of the folded pages and knot it on the outside of the crease.  Cut off the excess

This is a great little activity for any age.  Older kids can actually record with words and pictures.  Younger kids can take a stab at drawing what's in front of them.  And the toddlers just love to write!  Grab a pen and your kiddo is ready to record their findings on any sort of nature walk, trail, hike or dino park!

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