
Potty Training Travel Kit

One of the things I hate most of all in this world is a public bathroom.  I absolutely hate it when I have to use one.

Guess what potty training kids really love.  Yep- bathrooms.  All of them. 

To keep my sanity and at least the vestige of cleanliness while exploring all of these public bathrooms, I put together a small bathroom travel pack.  Everything fits in a small makeup bag and can be tossed in a purse, backpack, car, carry on... anything really.

I keep this in Phee's snack bag for the car and we make sure we take it if we're going out somewhere.  I have a few extra supplies stashed in my purse, too,just in case.

We used this while we were traveling last month and it was fantastic.  It was our first real test of the kit and it served its purpose well.  We breezed right through the airport bathrooms and no one touched anything gross.  Which made me very happy.

potty training travel kit- everything you need to travel with a potty training child

Potty Training Travel Kit
  1. Toilet seat covers.  I found a kind that is over-sized and hangs over the side of the toilet.  If your kiddo is still getting the hang of using a toilet without a training seat, this is the way to go.  The cover hangs down over the toilet so the kids can still hang on, but their hands are only touching the cover.  Genius!
  2. Wet Ones sanitizer wipes.  Sometimes, little ones can't reach the sink in public restrooms.  When that happens, I use a sanitizer wipe instead of soap.
  3. Sanitizer gel/spray.  Always good to use after washing hands.
  4. Lysol wipes.  This is for a worst case scenario.  Sometimes things are just too gross.
  5. Tissues.  I threw a slim pack of tissues into the case as a bonus.  You can never have too many tissues and you're bound to find a bathroom with no toilet paper at some point in the course of potty training.

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