
The Lunch Routine

Upcoming holidays, crazy work schedules, and basically just too much going on over the last few weeks has meant a lack of planning on my part.  As I'm sure you've noticed, I've been too busy to even post here, much less make a decent meal plan.  Throwing together meal ideas and a shopping list for the week has been happening very late on Friday nights or early Saturday morning before we head out to the store.  That doesn't give me very much time to read recipes, look at points, and plan for what's already in the fridge and freezer.

Well, no more.  I love to make a meal plan for the week and when life has been crazy in the past, it's been okay to just wing it.  Not anymore.  My points are all out of whack, I've been eating less fruits and veggies, and justifying far too many treats (thank you Halloween).  I want to get back on track with good planning before Christmas parties and holiday travel which are hard enough anyway!

One place I find myself foundering is lunch.  Without a decent meal plan for the week, I don't have many good leftovers to bring to work for lunch.  I'm also rushing around too much and forgetting to get lunch portioned out at night or before I go to work and then I arrive at work with nothing.  Not good.

I've found, though, that I have much success keeping a stash of Progresso light soups in my desk.  The variety is good and the soups are tasty.  I can eat the whole can for lunch and I'm full for most of the afternoon.  They aren't even paying me to say this, people; the soup is just that good.  The whole can of soup is generally 5 points which makes for a really cheap, filling, delicious meal.

On the weekends, I still struggle with wanting to eat everything in the kitchen, or being so busy that I only nibble a couple times and then am starving by evening.  Soup isn't as convenient at home, especially when we're running around.

I discovered a great alternative to wraps and sandwiches, though.  With iceberg lettuce on hand, you can make really crunchy, tasty turkey lettuce wraps.  These are just as easy to make as a quick sandwich, and give you a good helping of protein and veggies.

Turkey Lettuce Wraps (makes 1 serving)

3 large leaves of iceberg lettuce
1 oz sliced cheddar or colby cheese
3 oz sliced turkey
1/2 cup thinly sliced bell pepper

Rinse and pat dry the iceberg leaves.  Divide the cheese, turkey, and peppers evenly between the leaves.  Add any condiments you like.  Roll up the leaves and enjoy!

Weight Watchers: 5 PP for the recipe 

What's your go-to lunch?