
The Plan for 2014

As most people do, I've made some goals for myself for the coming year.  Not resolutions, really, just things that I want to make a concerted effort to do or try.

The blog, as usual, is always on the list.  I think I've decided to bring over the little bit of content I had on the more heath-focused blog I started and put it here.  Going forward, this blog will be a little bit more me, more authentic, and I will be sharing lots of things I'm doing, not just some recipes and projects.

Personally, I'm getting healthy.  I'm making better choices about what I eat and what I do.  Two weeks in and I'm loving Weight Watchers again.  It fell by the wayside after Thanksgiving as I hit birthday/Christmas/travel month and life got more hectic than I was prepared for.  Overall, the holidays were good, though, and while I fully indulged and enjoyed every bit of it, I didn't go totally overboard.  The last two weeks back on the plan I've set for myself have been great, though, and I'm looking forward to finding some fun new recipes to try.

I want to read more and remember to actually track what I read.  I love having that list to go back to.  At the same time I want to write more.  Not just for keeping up with this blog and the business blog, but for personal fun as well.  I've had a big project in mind centered around stories about my grandma for quite a while.  In the last month I've decided the form I want that to take and I'm itching to get started on it.

I'm going to send more notes and cards.  I love to send thank you notes whenever I can, but I want to send more than that this year, and I want to try to keep up with it once I get started.  I love to make cards and that's going to be something to tackle, too.  I can never seem to find the time to make the cards I want to use.

I also want to try to make something new every month in the kitchen.  Or for the house, too, I guess, but mostly in the kitchen.  I want to tackle some staples like salad dressing, fruit snacks, and the bomb pops Phee and I devour in the summer.  Wheat bread, too, because I have yet to find a really good wheat bread recipe for the bread machine. 

The business side of life was slow last fall, but I also didn't have a lot of time to pour into it, either.  I have some lovely regular clients and I've picked up some new things here at the start of the year.  It's definitely keeping me busy right now, but I do so love this freelancing.  I want to put some work into adding a few more regular clients.

Last, but most definitely not least, I committed to running the Turkey Trot this year.  Months and months away, yes, but it's going to take me quite a while to get ready for it.  I don't run.  In fact, to say that I don't run is an understatement.  But, here I am, on my treadmill most every day, just walking for this month.  I'm excited about it.  I think that mostly, I just want to prove to myself that I can do it.  And so I will.

What about you?  What do you want to try this year?  I'd also love your suggestions for some regular foods or staples that I can try to make this year.  I've only got three or four ideas so far and I'm already running out of time for January!

Linked up at Slightly Off Kilter.