
Cold weather skin relief

It's been a cold Texas winter this year.  In our 10 years here, we've never had cold last this long.  A few cold snaps, sure, but we've never dug out the winter coats for the duration of winter.  We're trying not to complain about it, but our blood has definitely thinned and we aren't as used to this as we were in NH and OH.

Phee, however, is pretty much unfazed by it all.  The temperature rarely seems to bother her.  Which is nice, really, because it means there aren't complaints when it's time to head out into the biting wind to run errands or go to school.

She does seem to suffer from the same terribly dry skin I get in the winter.  Her little legs were so red at the end of Christmas vacation in NH.  And her hands are regularly red and chapped.  I know how much that hurts, though she rarely even mentions it.

I thought I'd share some of the things we've found helpful, especially this year, for her dry skin.

1. Water.  Water is so important, and especially so once that heater kicks on and drys out the whole house.  Phee has always been good about keeping up with her water, but we aren't always good about leaving a water bottle out at home.  This year, I got a couple extra ones so that she always has one with her.

2. Humidifier.  We've gone through a couple different kinds of humidifiers in Phee's room.  After the last one's motor started to die, we got this great humidifier at Target.  It's the best one we've had so far, with great humidity control and distribution.

3. Oatmeal Baths.  Oatmeal baths are fantastic.  We actually use these any time Phee' skin gets irritated, whether it's a rash from a virus, something she's gotten into in the yard, or dry winter skin.

Alternately, you can make your own oatmeal bath.  You need regular rolled oats, not instant or quick.  All you have to do is run them through a food processor or blender and grind them until they're powdery.  Some bits and bigger pieces are okay, but the finer the ground oats, the better they will dissolve in warm bath water.

4. Lotion.  Sometimes you just need some lotion to soothe those rough hands.  I've found the Aveeno Baby lotion to be the best with no fragrance or dye to irritate sensitive skin.  It isn't greasy, either.

5. Sugar Scrub is another good item.  It's easy to make and it will leave your skin feeling silky smooth and super moisturized.  Plus it smells good!

If your little one is in school or day care, I'm sure they're washing their hands many, many times a day.  You have to keep those germs at bay, especially in flu season, but I've found that the extra hand washing drys hands out more.  Hopefully, these tips will help your little one as you trudge through the rest of winter. 

What's your go-to remedy for winter dry skin?  I'd love any tips or tricks you have to share!

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