
Song and Dance

Phee loves to sing. And dance. And perform. And pretend. Really, at this point, I'm thinking musical theater is her calling.

Three years ago, Doug came across free Music Together demo classes at a place here in Austin, Heartsong. We all went to a Saturday morning demo class jam-packed full of parents and kids. Those demos are popular! After singing, dancing, and playing our way through the 45 minute session, I thought it was something I'd be way more into than Doug. But, he wanted to find something fun to do with Phee during the week when he had days off and could spend some one-on-one time with her.

Thoughts on having a musical child.

They're now two sessions away from completing the three-year cycle. Two weeks. I can hardly remember the time before Heartsong.

Music is big at our house, and in our lives. It's not like Phee wasn't going to be exposed to all different kinds of music, or singing, in her childhood. She is, all the time. She loves to sing. We make up songs, we change the words to songs, we add Phee's name in where we can. It elicits laughs from her on a regular basis. And she can make the same changes herself. There's really nothing funnier than your kid changing the words to a song to make herself laugh. And there's nothing sweeter than to hear her sing through pretend play in her room. Or to have her sing me a made up song about her day or something she saw riding in the backseat of the car.

These classes have taught so much more than fun songs. Phee is musical. She has rhythm. Her confidence and creativity have definitely been enhanced and shaped by this weekly time of music and play.

If you're not in Austin, search out a Music Together class. You will not be disappointed!

If you're in or around Austin, I can't recommend Heartsong and Becca enough. She has been a wonderful teacher- totally laid back with a great sense of humor and the patience of a saint. Becca runs an awesome class. I love it when Doug can't make it and I get a chance to fill in. It's an energizing, fun break in my workday.

There's about to be an opening on Wednesday mornings. We're moving on, but you might find that it's your new favorite family activity.

Are your kids into music? Have you ever tried out a demo class or session of Music Together? 

No compensation here; all my thoughts and opinions.  I really just love this program!

Linked up at Texas Women Bloggers.