
Leprechaun Breakfast Cakes

I love holidays.  It is so much fun to make crafts, decorate the house, and surprise Phee with as many things as I can think of for any given holiday.  This morning, we had a two hour school delay because of ice so I decided we'd have pancakes.  It also happens to be National Pancake Day, which I didn't even know, so yay me!  Phee was playing so I told her I wanted to surprise her instead of her picking out the sprinkles for her pancakes as she usually does.

I made my regular pancake recipe, added 8 drops of green food coloring, and dug out the rainbow sprinkles from Phee's extensive sprinkle collection.  (I'm not kidding about the collection.  I think she has 10 different kinds right now.)  I poured out the pancake batter onto the griddle, then added the sprinkles to the batter instead of mixing it right in.  It only puts sprinkles on one side of the pancakes, but I prefer the vibrant colors.

Ta-da!  Leprechaun breakfast cakes, a sweet treat for breakfast.  And believe me, the sprinkles add more sweetness than you'd think.  These didn't stay too crunchy and actually tasted like powdered sugar on top of the pancakes.  For me, that was a nice surprise since I don't like syrup.  For Phee, it was probably a little bit heavy on the sugar before school.  But, she was going to be wound up anyway after the late start.

I paired the leprechaun breakfast cakes with rainbow fruit salad.  I would have gone the extra mile and made green milk, but I find that kind of gross so I skipped it.  For some reason, food coloring in food is fine.  In drinks, I can't handle it.

I think we'll definitely be having these again in the next couple weeks leading up to St. Patrick's Day.  They were so much fun to serve and Phee and really got a kick out of them.

Do you have any fun St. Patrick's Day food traditions?

You might like this cute Little Leprechaun printable!

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