
Thankful Thursday

A sweet friend, Shelley over at Slightly Off Kilter, has started doing Thankful Thursday posts.  They've been fun to read and comment on.  It's certainly nice to take a moment to step back and see what great things are going on in your life and even in the life of your friends.  I think we can all use that little reset from time to time.

Personally, I like that this is a post toward the end of the week.  Our weekends are often so jam packed with errands and activities that each one ends up being a blur.  I relish this opportunity to take a deep breath and take a moment to slow down and see the lovely things happening.

And so, today I am thankful for such an imaginative child.  Phee's imagination knows no bounds. She is about to embark on a new adventure using that imagination and I really think she's going to enjoy it.

I'm thankful that Phee and Doug got to have a fun daddy-daughter trip this week to explore a new museum and a zoo we haven't been to.  They both had so much fun.

I'm thankful for a newly set up crafty spot in the garage.  It's so nice to have my things organized and to have the table cleared off so I have a work space.

I'm thankful for my group of bloggy friends who never fail to make me laugh.  Honestly, those girls are a riot and I wish we had opportunity to get together in person far more often.

{update} I'm thankful for last minute travel plans that mean I get to see my mom next week!

Please feel free to link up with us, or even just to comment here with your thankful thoughts for the week.  It's so encouraging and delightful to share these kind thoughts with friends.

Linked up at Nancherrow.