
Thankful Thursday

Hello friends. It's that lovely time of week again where I get to take a minute to just reflect and enjoy the wonderful things going on. I'm so happy that I started this link up with Shelley and Traci. It's so nice to see the happiness in the lives of those around you, and it's especially sweet when it's someone you care about.

So far, this has been a great week. My mom flew in Monday evening and we've all been having so much fun. She's got a nasty cold, though, which sort of crept up on her and she's exhausted. In fact, as I write this at 9:15, the whole house is already asleep. Phee was up late last night and just couldn't settle to take a nap. And Doug's schedule is all crazy this week. So, I've got a very sleepy house right now.

Me? I'm wide awake. I'm not tired enough for bed at 9:30. But the little bit of down time is nice and it's given me a chance to get this post written.

This week, I'm especially thankful for family. Phee just adores her Gigi and they are having so much fun. We had a lovely day at the wildflower center on Tuesday. The weather was sunny and beautiful. We didn't see as many things blooming as I'd expected, but what we did see was a welcome bit of color.

I'm so glad that I was able to arrange my schedule this week to spend time with my mom. I still have to work, but I'm only working some half days so I can come home and hang out all afternoon and evening. And that means game time while Phee is napping!

This afternoon, mom helped me open up an easel that Phee got for her birthday in December. We've just finally got around to opening it, but it's actually worked out quite well. Phee happily painted for a while this afternoon while I cleaned up the kitchen and mom rested on the couch. We were all just a few feet away from each other and though we did different things, we were all talking and just enjoying being together.

I'm also quite thankful for delicious, decadent cupcakes. We went out and picked some up Tuesday afternoon and then we split them after dinner. What's better than one amazing cupcake? Sharing three amazing flavors for a cupcake sampler!

We were also able to squeeze in a last minute date night to go see a movie on Tuesday night after dinner. Mom and Phee handled snacks and bedtime by themselves and Doug and I got to head out and see the Muppets. It's hilarious and we totally loved it.

And now, friends, I would so love to hear what's going on in your world right now. Even in the midst of crazy days, I hope you can find a bright spot to carry you through the week. Feel free to link up or even just share in the comments if you like. What great things have been happening?