
Mini breakfast pies

Breakfast? Yes, please! I'll eat breakfast for any meal of the day, all day long. I've lucked out and Doug and Phee both love to eat breakfast food, too, so breakfast for dinner happens regularly. It's one of the meals we fall back on if the week's meal plan falls apart.

I haven't always been so lucky. Living with Doug's parents after college, I discovered that his dad isn't a fan of breakfast for dinner. Big breakfast on Sunday morning? Sign him up! Breakfast for dinner- not a chance.  I can think of maybe two times I managed to sneak it in while I was living there. He loved to give me a hard time about it. And I always get some laughs when I threaten to serve breakfast as dinner when they come to visit.

These pies are a fun breakfast option. They're easy for as fancy as you can make the presentation which makes these little mini breakfast pies perfect for a brunch or special breakfast. Or, for a thrown together dinner when you have an extra pie crust kicking around the fridge!

Mini breakfast pies ~ Life in Random Bits #breakfast #recipe

Mini Breakfast Pies (Weight Watchers = 5 PP per serving)
makes 8 servings

  • 1 pie crust
  • 5 eggs
  • 3 T milk
  • 1/2 t parsley
  • 1/4 t garlic powder
  • 1/4 t salt
  • 1/4 t pepper
  • 2 slices of deli ham, chopped
  • shredded cheddar
  • chopped green pepper
  • chopped tomato
  • green onion

  1. Find a glass or round cookie/biscuit cutter that's a little bit larger than your muffin tin.  Cut out 8 little pie crusts and tuck them into the muffin tin taking care not to trap any air underneath the crust.
  2. Divide the chopped ham into the muffin tins.
  3. Add peppers, tomatoes, onions, and a little bit of cheddar in each cup.
  4. Mix up the eggs, milk, and seasonings.
  5. Using a 1/4 measuring cup, add just under a 1/4 cup of egg mixture to each cup.
  6. Bake at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes, until eggs are thoroughly done and just browned on top.
  7. After the mini pies have cooled for a couple minutes, run a knife around the edge of each cup to fee the pie.  Serve warm and let extras cool on a pie rack so the bottoms don't get soggy.
Mini breakfast pies ~ Life in Random Bits #breakfast #recipe

Served up with a delicious fruit salad and a hot cup of coffee, these pies really are a lovely breakfast treat. I can't wait to have an excuse to make these and arrange them on a cute cake plate for a breakfast party or brunch. Sounds like it's time to get the girls together!

Do you ever make breakfast for dinner? What's your family's preference: savory or sweet breakfasts? Phee likes eggs, but I think she'll take a plate full of maple syrup over anything else any day!

Mini breakfast pies ~ Life in Random Bits #breakfast #recipe

Linked up at Yesterfood, Natasha in Oz, The SITS Girls, Nancherrow, Bloom Designs, Heather's French Press, Nessa Makes, The Recipe Critic.