
Thankful Thursday - Friends

This week has just flown by. I feel like I've been running around constantly, but not really getting anywhere. Which is a sure sign it's time to slow down. I guess it's a good thing it's Thursday and I've got a minute to reflect on everything.

I'm thankful for friends this week. I had coffee with Traci and saw a screening of the new Captain America with Shelley, all in the same day. It made for a very nice Tuesday.

I'm thankful for the weekend of music I have coming up. Doug and I are going to see the Slackers on Saturday night. We told about a dozen people about the show, but it didn't work out for anyone else to meet up with us. But, Doug and I haven't gone to a show on our own in ages so it'll be fun. Sunday, I'm headed to see Grouplove which I'm quite excited about since I didn't get to see them when the third day of Austin City Limits was cancelled. Shelley's coming with me, too, which will be fun.

I'm thankful for our little garden. It's growing by leaps and bounds in the warm weather and it's been so much fun to watch it. Phee is so helpful with watering this year and she loves to check out the flowers every day. Just last night she was so excited to notice that the first little tendril of a pea was wrapped around the cage. Her enthusiasm and joy in the simplest things is amazing to watch.

I'm thankful for Phee and her smile and laughter. We finished a good book this week, watched a fairy movie, took bluebonnet pictures, and are headed to a girls' science center tonight to learn about the moon. Phee is so excited to go back and has been talking about it since we went to last month's Starry Night party.

I'm thankful for surprise visits, crafty ideas, good coffee, bad tv, pizza, and good books.

How is your week going? I'd love it if you'd link up with us, or even just leave your thoughts in the comments. I hope your week winds down gently and you have a great weekend.