
Thankful Thursday - Music & Coffee

These weeks are just flying by. Life doesn't seem to be as hectic as last week, but at the same time, here it is Thursday already and I don't quite know where the rest of the week went. Work has been busy, as it usually is this time of year. The addition of Phee's Saturday morning class means we don't get to lay around being lazy on those mornings anymore.

And so, I really am quite happy to take these few minutes to think about all the lovely things going on. Because in the middle of it all, it's really hard to see sometimes.

I'm thankful for music this week. I went to two concerts over the weekend and both were fantastic. I love going to live music, though until recently, I really wasn't going very often at all. I still have two more coming up this month! I love the experience of standing in a crowd with a bunch of other fans, listening to the music, laughing when the whole crowd sings along. Being thoroughly swept up in the moment and the music is wonderful feeling.

I'm thankful for snuggles, and kisses, and silly games with Phee.

Coffee. I'm honestly always thankful for coffee. I love to have my morning coffee, I love to go to coffee shops, I love coffee with something sweet. Given the choice to go grab a beer or go get a cup of coffee, coffee nearly always wins. Really, you just can't go wrong with coffee.

I'm thankful for the fun of writing this blog. I love sharing the projects, trying out and tweaking recipes, finding new things to try and ways to keep up with my house. I know it's mostly project and recipe writing, and not as much writing-writing as I'd like, but it's still a fun hobby and creative outlet.

I'm thankful for the warm weather that means open windows, growing plants, and playing in the yard.

I'm thankful that it's nearly summer and my sister will be finished with her first year of teaching and then she'll be able to take a breather and relax a bit. And come visit, too!

I'm thankful for the group of friends I have who are only too happy to lend a hand, offer advice, celebrate success, and who do their best to lighten the load when another friend is having a rough time. You are very lucky if you have such a group of friends.

I'm thankful for friends who show me that I'm on the right path, even if I'm not there yet.

I would love to hear the brilliant things going on for you this week. Feel free to link up with us, or even just share in the comments. It's so inspiring to share these Thursdays with you!