
Recycled bulk food storage

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Today we're Cleaning a Thing for the Play in May challenge. I have lots to clean. My floors, lots of closets, Phee's room, the front flower bed. Am I working on any of that? Nope, I'm cleaning fun things, like the basket of bulk snacks we have.

Use repurposed jars and bottles to store bulk foods and snacks.

We shop at a co-op and get lots of dried fruit and nuts for snacks, mostly for Doug to take to work. I don't always (okay rarely. whatever.) remember to take containers to the co-op so we end up with lots of baggies of stuff. I got tired of digging through them and how messy they looked heaped in a little plastic bin in the cupboard.

So, I dug some canning jars out of the closet. I poked around looking for some other suitable containers and found these two glass juice bottles I'd been hanging onto. Then, I found this awesome little bin at the Container Store. (Similar storage bin here.)

Another score? Chalkboard labels in the Target dollar bin. I'd been holding on to those for a while, too, and they turned out to be perfect for this project. Easy to swap out and then I don't forget which kind of snacks we have at any given time. And yes, I forget which is a pecan and which is an almond sometimes. I don't eat any of these.

I picked some scrapbook paper that I liked and used that on top of the canning jars. Then I dug out an acrylic paint that matched and painted the two juice bottle lids. Add a couple coats modge podge or spray them with a sealer after the paint dries to keep the paint from chipping or scratching off.

Use repurposed jars and bottles to store bulk foods and snacks.

That's it. A simple solution for storing your bulk snacks and keeping the containers organized. This would work for more than bulk snacks, too. Lots of kids snacks in various boxes in the pantry? Empty them into some jars. You can label them, the kids can see what each snack is, and you can see how much you have left and when it's time to add something to the grocery list.

What kind of system do you use for storing all your snacks? 

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Link up and see what the rest of the Play in May group is cleaning this weekend. Surely, we all have something to clean, right?

Axis of Ineptitude
Linked up at Simply Gloria, Just Us Four, Bloom Designs, Heather's French Press, The Recipe Critic, Nancherrow.