
That time I screwed up

Last Friday morning, I happened upon some info about the Gelato World Tour. They were going to be in downtown Austin all weekend with 16 flavors of gelato to try. I told Doug we had to change up our Friday afternoon plans because tasting a bunch of gelato sounded like too much fun to pass up.

We headed down and milled around checking out the setup and reading about some of the flavors. It wasn't busy at all on Friday afternoon and, based on the Facebook photos I saw Saturday, I'm really glad we didn't wait to go. For $10 you go to try five flavors. I would have happily tried them all, but believe me, five was plenty. I couldn't even finish my last sample!

Anyway, after we tried all our samples, it was time to vote. The last piece of the ticket had a huge QR code on it which you used in the voting area to log onto the voting system. There are two computers and Doug and I are the only people voting at the time. I read the directions, hold up my code, and up comes what looks like a keypad. I find the number of the flavor I anted to vote for, #10 Carmastachio. And then I hit #1, intending to enter 1-0.

Except I'm an idiot and the numbers 1-16 were laid out. It wasn't a keypad, it was a button for each flavor. So, I voted for the wrong one. I just kind of stared at it for a minute and then walked away. I'm an idiot. I only half read the directions and barely paid attention to what I was doing.

The flavor I actually voted for did win. Because my vote pushed them over the edge, I'm sure.

Carmastachio was sadly not in the top three, though it was absolutely amazing. I would have happily eaten five samples of just that flavor.

I'm still shaking my head over such a ridiculous screw up. Next time I'll pay attention!

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Have you been following along with the Play in May blogging challenge? What's been your favorite so far? Come check out some other links to see where we're messing up today!

Axis of Ineptitude