
Kitchen paperwork organization

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Papers in the kitchen. Papers on the bar. Papers on the table. And I bring home more every day. Mail, info from school, menus stuck in our door. The paper trail never ends!

On top of all the stuff that accumulates, there's the important stuff that we actually need: doctor and medicine info, babysitter info sheet, school handbook. Y'know, the stuff you might need twice a year, but inevitably can't find at the right time.

Use magnetic pockets on the fridge to organize important papers in the kitchen - www.lifeinrandombits.com #kitchen #paper #clutter #organize

I've tried different systems for keeping our bills, receipts, and filing in order. But this extra stuff was always just getting shuffled around. It didn't seem to have a place.

Now, I don't know about you, but I tend to stick important stuff on the fridge. Phee's artwork, sure, but also her weekly menu and monthly school calendar. If you want to order out, you're probably hanging out in the kitchen. Sick kid? We're usually pacing around the kitchen with a sick kid trying to get a hold of the doctor's office. So, all those odds and ends would be most useful close at hand in the kitchen.

These wonderful magnetic pockets have been invaluable. I have two or three folders in each one, with all the papers separated and organized. Take out menus, doctor and medical info, school info, etc. It's perfect! We can grab a folder, get what we need, then put it right back.

Use magnetic pockets on the fridge to organize important papers in the kitchen - www.lifeinrandombits.com #kitchen #paper #clutter #organize

I've seen friends use magnetic whiteboard calendars and these pockets to create a great little family station in the kitchen. One pocket for each family member, one color folder for each person, or something similar. We don't need quite that level of organization with just three of us, but magnetic is certainly the way to go. These pockets are especially strong- the entire back is a large magnet, it's not just two or three strips. I've never once had a problem with the slipping down the side of the fridge or falling off.

They work like a charm and I highly recommend them for keeping your important papers handy.

Where do you keep all the necessary odds and ends so everyone can find them?

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