
Run, Fun

Run, Fun: a weekend of running and playing at a lake house #running #relaxation #lake - Life in Random Bits

It's been a whirlwind around here lately. Phee had camp last week and her school was closed part of the week to prepare for the new year. We're still adjusting to a completely new schedule for our family. Early mornings are a part of that schedule and this weekend it finally seemed to be a little bit better.

Saturday I hit a huge milestone in the Couch to 5K program: Week 5, Day 3 which is 20 minutes straight running. I meant to do it Friday, but pushed it off 'til Saturday and was glad I did. I got up early and did the whole 20 minutes with no problems. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be and I was quite pleased with my results. I'm extremely proud of myself.

This coming Saturday, I'm doing my first 5K. It's one of the fun ones, Run or Dye, and I'm quite looking forward to it. I've decided that I'm going to start out doing Week 6, Day 3 which is a warmup and then 22 minutes of straight jogging. I don't expect that to be the 2 1/4 miles that the app thinks it will be, but it will get me part of the way. After that, I think I'll go back to one of the easier walk/jog combinations to finish out the race.

I'd do more walking, but in the interest of brevity, I need to run more and get it over with. Saturday we're headed to the lake with some friends and I want to get there as soon as we can for lots of fun, swimming, grilling, and games.

Our friends found a huge lake house with lots of space and easy access to parks and the lake. We've joked about putting all three kids in one bedroom so that the four adults can all have their own beds. Ahhh, sleep. This house looks amazing, though, and I can't wait to get there and relax for a couple days. We've pretty much never done anything for Memorial Day or Labor Day because of schedules and now we have the opportunity and Doug and I are looking forward to it.

Do you have any fun plans for the last hurrah of summer this weekend? And do you have any 5K tips for me? I've never done a race before, not even walking, and, while I'm excited about it, I'm also a bit nervous.