
Get paid to exercise!

Post contains Amazon Associate link.

Running is going well. I'm continually surprised by how much I like it. I told Doug the other day that I think a lot of moms must like running because it's 30 minutes completely to yourself where no one can ask for anything, remind you of anything, or say your name 47 times. That's not true just at my house, right?

A couple years ago I started using a BodyMedia armband to track activity, sleep, weight, and more. I was pretty good about using it for quite a while, but discovered that tracking calories is frustrating for me. That's one reason I switched to Weight Watchers. I hated getting dinged for lots of fruits and veggies when counting calories. With WW, they don't have points and I feel like I'm doing a much better job overall.

One thing I discovered while I was using the BodyMedia was a reward site called EarndIt. You can connect different devices and activity/exercise programs and earn points toward different rewards. How fantastic is that? You run, you bike, you walk, you whatever, and you get the physical and emotional rewards, plus fun rewards? I'll take it!

It turns out, there are a whole bunch of different  reward sites out there. The supported devices, apps, and programs for each are different, of course, but there's sure to be one that you find interesting and useful.

6 ways to earn rewards for exercise & your health. #exercise #apps #rewards

Earn rewards by tracking activities through your favorite fitness apps. You can earn cash or rewards.

Earn rewards for yourself, or donate to charity. You can also participate in fitness challenges. EarndIt links primarily to devices, not apps.

Earn rewards by connecting many different devices and apps. This seems to be very flexible because it supports so many different options. It also has a great resource to help you figure out what devices or apps might be the best for the activity you're doing.

This service earns you Shop Your Way points which are good at Sears, Land's End, or KMart. It has a short list of supported devices and apps, but also includes a number of different gym equipment options which track workouts.

Make a pact and earn cash rewards every week in one of three categories.

You can connect to your Balance Rewards account at Walgreens and start earning reward points. Devices and apps are supported, but you can also manually enter workouts.

Have you tried any of these before? I'd love to hear what rewards you've earned and what you think about these reward programs.