
Coffee Filter Wreath

I started a coffee filter wreath about six months ago and just finished it in the last week. It's really a pretty simple project and it turned out pretty well.

I have finished pictures, but not pictures of the process. I'll put the materials and basic directions below, but you can find this project all over the internet with pictures of the process and different or more detailed directions.

  • foam wreath form- size and shape are up to you
  • coffee filters- white or brown, your choice
  • hot glue gun
  • ribbon for hanging the wreath if you choose
  • bow, decorative details- whatever you might like to add to your wreath to finish it
  • pins or little floral stakes to affix the decorative elements to the wreath

Essentially, you just "crunch" the filter up, sort of folding it in on itself and then hot glue the bottom of the filter to the wreath form. And repeat about 100-150 times. If you plan on hanging this with ribbon, tie the ribbon around the wreath form before you begin gluing the filters.

I discovered that one row of filters around the wreath form isn't enough to cover the entire form. That's what I did to begin with and you could still see the green wreath form from the middle and sides when it was hanging on the door. So, be sure to do a couple rows on the wreath form so that the wreath is full.

After you've filled in your wreath form, add whatever decorative elements you'd like to the wreath. I used fabric flowers I found with the scrapbooking supplies at Michael's. Depending on what you choose, you may need some pins or little stakes to stick them on the wreath.

That's it. It's a fairly fast and easy project. The hardest part is not burning yourself with the hot glue gun. At least it was for me.

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