
New Year Planning

Goals, resolutions, planning...at some point early each year, most people give some consideration to these things.  With the new year comes inspiration and hope.  And, if you're lucky, you got some Christmas presents that spur you on to organize, de-clutter and make those changes you think about all the time.

It doesn't matter what you call it- setting goals, making resolutions- it's a plan to better yourself.  The key to that is accountability and consistency.  I'm working on those myself this year. 

I want to be healthier.  That's a multifaceted task that people get frustrated with and give up on quickly every year.  I'm trying to take it slow, in small steps in order to realize this goal.  I'm spending more time planning meals and snacks, menu planning for the week and finding recipes full of fruits and veggies.  The consistency of those weekly tasks is working itself into a habit.  Exercise will follow.  It gets worked in where it can right now.  I'm still trying to figure out the way to work it in regularly with a full time job, side projects and a growth-spurting toddler who just moved into her new bed.  I know it will fall into place soon and when it does, I will have a good foundation of healthier eating in place.

I want to use my master's degree.  That's another multifaceted, nebulous project.  I'm brainstorming right now and starting some networking activities and research.  As much as I always thought I'd be a children's librarian, I don't think a traditional librarian career is how it's going to shake out for me in the end.  And I'm okay with that (finally).  I'm exploring what a non-traditional role might look like and how I will define it for myself.  Whether this research turns into a career is entirely up to me.  I'm making myself work on it every day, at least a little bit, so that the business of trying to create a business becomes a habit and constant part of my life.  The continual learning, reading and dreaming is what's going to grow my big ideas.  I have to hold myself accountable for making it happen.

This blog is going to be a way for me to keep track of ideas, follow my growth, share business.  I've had many blogs before.  Each, including this one, was updated with varying regularity.  All eventually tapered off to nothing.  Though I enjoy blogging, real life has gotten in the way quite often.  Or I've lost inspiration.  I want this blog to help me with my planning for my goals and ideas.  This will be my record of success for the new year.  So, welcome back to my Random Bits.