
Menu Plan Monday {8.20.12}

Well, last week's meal plan didn't quite work out.  I set up the navy beans and ham, but by noon Doug called asking if it was supposed to be boiling and the beans really soft already.  Now, I know that that crock pot often runs hot but for the beans to be finished in just 3.5 hours seemed a bit much.  So he turned it to low.  And then I ended up taking Phee to the doctor right after school because she woke up from nap time with a rash. 

The beans and ham still tasted good, but I was afraid of that crock pot burning the house down or shorting out and leaving uncooked food on the counter all day.  So, I ordered a new one. 

It's fantastic.  I used it yesterday to make a vegetarian shepherd's pie.  It cooked evenly, the lid had a handle and nothing blew up.  I'm quite happy.

This is a busy week for us so we're making a couple crock pot meals and eating the leftovers all week.  Doug is in training and Phee is out of school for three days so we have lots of fun stuff planned.

Meals for the week of August 20
Vegetarian shepherd's pie (recipe coming later this week!)
Chef salads
Crock pot chicken tacos (I've been formulating a recipe in my head for this one... we'll see)
Sandwiches or breakfast if we need a filler meal

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