
Toddler Lunches #1

When Phee starts her new school permanently in the fall, she'll be taking her lunch every day.  Lunch and two snacks actually.  We had our first foray into lunch packing with her two weeks of camp at the new school in the summer.

It's an adjustment for both of us.  She's used to a hot lunch.  I'm not used to trying to gauge how much food I need to send for a toddler who often eats double lunch at her daycare.  After two weeks, I had a pretty good handle on her appetite and what she'll eat.

I had an idea that I would take a picture of her lunch every day and do a lunch roundup at the end of the week.  I'll be posting her summer lunches to start out and then I'll be posting a weekly lunch round up when school begins later this month.

Hopefully our snacks and lunches will inspire you when you've no idea what to pack for your kiddo.  And I really hope to get some other lunch and snack ideas from you.  Phee will eat peanut butter, but not jelly.  She takes sandwiches apart.  She licks dip and dressing off veggies without eating much of the veggie.  She'll almost always eat fruit.  And crackers.  I need some more ideas!

So, without further ado... our first week of lunches at camp.

 {turkey & cheese, strawberries, crackers}
{morning snack- blueberry muffin}
{afternoon snack- carrots & celery, dip}

 {cold grilled chicken & grapes, pretzels, blueberries}
{morning snack- blueberry muffin}
{afternoon snack- cheese & crackers}

 {turkey & cheese, carrots & dip, grapes}
{morning snack- blueberry muffin}
{afternoon snack- graham crackers, raisins}

{turkey & cheese, grapes, crackers}
{morning snack- apple slices}

Thursday is missing.  I forgot the picture, but I can tell you it was a failed lunch of leftover pasta (which she loved the night before).  She takes milk or juice every day for lunch.  Making one batch of muffins at the beginning of the week and using it for snacks is easy, but kind of boring.  I may start making two kinds and freezing half for a later, busier week.  I also want to make granola bars to add in for snacks.  All ambitious ideas for the fall!

The lunch containers can be found on Amazon. (affiliate link)