
Chicken Pesto Pockets

Our garden has gone a little nuts. Our peppers and some of the tomatoes made it through the summer and we're starting to get veggies again. The herbs never stopped growing. I had to chop down a forest of basil a couple weeks ago and tame it into some pesto. And by some pesto I mean we had a pasta dinner when my family was in town and then I froze four dozen cubes of pesto. And I still had a few tablespoons leftover.

I poked around the fridge to see if that last bit of pesto was going to just go on pasta or if it could be used in something else. I had some leftover chicken and came up with a great idea to use them together without pasta.

These are delicious little pockets. Easy to make and easy to grab for a quick lunch or dinner. Phee thought they were interesting. She was mildly interested in the bread part of the finished pocket, but I couldn't get her to really eat much of it. I don't know why; when crescent rolls are involved, you know it's going to be tasty!

Chicken pesto pockets ~ Life in Random Bits #chicken #pesto #recipe

Chicken Pesto Pockets

  • 2 cans of crescent rolls
  • 1 cup shredded cooked chicken
  • 1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 1 small can sliced olives
  • 3 T pesto
  • 1-2 T Parmesan cheese
  • Italian seasoning
  1. Mix the shredded chicken, mushrooms, olives, pesto and Parmesan together in a bowl until well combined.  
  2. Open the crescent rolls, but don't separate them into triangles. Leave them stuck together in pairs and smoosh the dough together to seal the perforation in the middle to make a rectangle.
  3. Flatten the crescent rectangles out a little bit.
  4. Put a spoonful of the chicken mixture in the middle of each crescent rectangle.  
  5. Fold the sides over and pinch the dough to seal the whole pocket.
  6. Sprinkle the tops with Italian seasoning.
  7. Bake at 350°for about 15 minutes, until the pockets are golden brown.
I didn't have any artichoke hearts, but I think they would be delicious with this combination. As would a few chopped tomatoes, as long as they aren't too wet.

Chicken pesto pockets ~ Life in Random Bits #chicken #pesto #recipe

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