
Menu Plan Monday {10.15.12}

As you no doubt saw, the blog was a bit quiet last week.  My mom and sister were in town visiting for a long weekend and then, when I got back to work, it was crazy busy.  We had a great visit.  I had planned on trying one of my grandma's recipes while my mom was here, but it just didn't quite work out.  I forgot to load up the crockpot before we left for the last day of fun on Monday.  Oops!

This week, I'm trying out a couple new recipes.  I made the first, Chicken Pesto Pockets, last night and they are super tasty!  That recipe will be posted tomorrow.  We're having a couple favorites this week, too.

What do you plan on making for dinner?

Meals for the week of October 15
Buffalo Chili
Chicken Pesto Pockets (recipe coming tomorrow!)
Homemade Chicken and Rice soup
Autumn Sausage Casserole

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