
Come Play in May

My friends at Slightly Off Kilter and Food Good, Laundry Bad have created this awesome daily blogging challenge for May. This challenge is about writing honestly and openly. Blogging, life, writing, motherhood... it's not all rainbows and flowers. This month is about keeping it real.

I'm going to join in for as much of it as I can, considering I have a trip and some other crazy things planned already. It would be so much fun to have you join in and link up with them, too. Write along for the whole month, or just for a few days- whatever works. And please, come comment and share on the blogs and FB pages, too. You don't have to blog to Come Play in May!

**Ignore the typos. They're part of keeping it real.

Linked up at The Jenny Evolution, Mama to 5 Blessings, Dagmar's Home, Such a Mama.