
Pizza Burgers

If you asked any one of my elementary or high school friends what their favorite lunch at school was, chances are, they'd all answer pizza burgers. In fact, I might actually go ask them on Facebook because I think it would be fun to see if I'm right. But anyway, pizza burgers. They were amazing. And you got them with applesauce, green beans, and chocolate cake.

Sometime after college I tried making my own and they were pretty good. I've perfected it now. These aren't quite the same because, as my mom so helpfully pointed out, they have mozzarella, not American cheese. So, not authentic, but I think they taste better.

Every once in a while, we still get the real thing if the school cafeteria has tons leftover. My mom leaves them in the freezer until we're all home and then we get a delicious trip down memory lane.

pizza burger recipe

Pizza Burgers (Weight Watchers = 5PP per serving)
makes 8 servings

  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1 c spaghetti sauce
  • 1/4 c parmesan cheese
  • 1 t Italian seasoning
  • 4 hamburger buns
  • 1/4 c melted butter
  • 1/2-1 c shredded mozzarella

  1. Brown and drain ground beef.
  2. Add in sauce, seasoning, and parmesan cheese and stir to combine and heat through.
  3. Brush your split hamburger buns with butter and toast under the broiler for just a couple minutes. Be careful that the buns don't burn!
  4. Split the burger mixture between the buns and top with shredded mozzarella. Use as much as you like!
  5. Put the burgers back under the broiler for just a minute or two to melt the mozzarella cheese.

Pizza burger recipe

Linked up at The TipToe Fairy.