
Thankful Thursday- Books & Music

A link up to share the wonderful things going on in life

Hello again friends! I hope you're all having a lovely post-holiday week. We had a nice, sort of lazy weekend. We did a lot of fun stuff since we were all home, like visiting the fairy houses at the botanical garden and hitting up a store for Record Store Day. Easter was pretty low key and relaxing which was a very welcome change of pace.

I'm thankful for good books and book hangovers. I don't often find as much time to read as I'd like, but Sunday night I stayed up late and finished a book in one of my favorite mystery series. It was well worth the book hangover Monday morning, especially since I had Monday off!

I'm thankful for extra days off and getting to spend them doing fun things. Doug and I dropped Phee at school and sat in a coffee shop for a bit, then had breakfast and went to see The Grand Budapest Hotel. We love Wes Anderson and it was a fun movie.

I'm thankful for friends. We got to see several over the weekend that we don't see as often as I'd like. While I'd love to see them more often, it's also nice to have comfortable friendships where you can drop in and out as time and kids allow and still always pick up right where you left off and have a good time together.

I'm thankful for the support of people who are very important to me. It's a lot easier to believe that I am capable of something with this unwavering support.

I'm thankful for music. The month of music is coming to a close with Vampire Weekend tomorrow night. Confession- I skipped out on The National this past Monday night. I know, I know, I should have gone. Turns out, four concerts in a month is kind of insane for me. I was exhausted Monday night and decided to skip out. Oh well. I'm totally looking forward to Vampire Weekend, though, because I know it'll be a great show.

And, of course, there are lots of little things- our garden, coffee, laughs with Phee, cleaning off my desk.

How is your week? I hope it has been wonderful. Shelley, Traci, and I would love to have you link up with us, or even just share your joys in the comments.