
Book Reviews

A long, long time ago, I had time to keep up multiple blogs. I can't seem to manage that any more. And that's fine. I mean, I'm only one person and I can't do it all, despite what I attempt!

During the course of my master's coursework, I had to create a couple blogs as assignments. One blog was solely for book reviews during a semester on children's literature. I had other courses that required reviews and after graduation, I put my resources together in one blog.

I added a few more reviews before I lost momentum with a new baby, working full time, and trying to find a librarian position. This blog is something I'd like to go back to, especially when I find myself as a librarian.

If you'd like some reviews of fun, interesting books for children and YA readers, please check out HKN Reads. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to start this up again soon. I do love to do these reviews and Phee and I read so many different books.

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Check out some other book reviews! You're always looking for something new to read, right? I know my to-read pile is always far too big.

Axis of Ineptitude
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