
Thanksgiving Tree

For Thanksgiving this year, we're working on a month-long project focused on things we're thankful for. We created a tree in our dining room and every day we add leaves to it, decorating the tree, brightening the house, and taking a little bit of time to think about the good things that have happened.

This is such a fun project. Phee helped me create the tree trunk and branches. Then, I dug out some pretty scrapbook paper and cut out a bunch of leaves. She is so excited to add her leaf each day and find the perfect spot for it on the tree.

Thanksgiving Tree: a month of things we're thankful for ~ Life in Random Bits #thanksgiving

Taking a minute to think about the good things that happen during the day isn't new for us. Every night I ask Phee about her three good things for the day- good things that happened, that she did, or that she saw someone else do. Our schedule has flip flopped again in the last few months and we've gotten out of the daily habit of three good things, but this beautiful tree is giving us an opportunity to keep that little tradition alive.

I'm looking forward to pulling our regular table out of the dining room on Thanksgiving and making space for our large table when friends join us for dinner. Our tree will add wonderful color and decoration to the day.

What ways do you highlight gratitude and good things in your life? Have you found a way to bring that same awareness to your kids?

Thanksgiving Tree: a month of things we're thankful for ~ Life in Random Bits #thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Tree
  • construction paper, brown paper bags, brown wrapping or craft paper
  • fall colored construction or scrapbook paper
  • leaf templates
  • scissors
  • tape
  • marker
  1. Tape construction paper together to form a long column, or cut open a brown paper bag, or unroll a length of brown craft paper.
  2. Draw, or freehand cut, your trunk shape.
  3. Add branches of different sizes.
  4. Arrange and tape everything to a wall.
  5. Trace, or freehand cut some leaf shapes.
  6. Add your leaves to the tree every day and watch the Thanksgiving Tree grow!

Linked up at Busy Being Jennifer, Nancherrow, Just Us Four.
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