
Fruited Jello

Today's topic for the blogging challenge is Cook a Thing. Which is easy, because I do have to feed the family. Every day.

I've wanted to share this one before, but it's nearly impossible to get a good picture of jello. I finally said screw it, took the least disgusting photo, and here we are. This tastes way, way better than the photo looks, I promise.

Plus, as far as snacks go, this one has lots of flavor and sweetness, but it's really pretty darn healthy.

Fruited jello, a cool crisp snack for summer ~ Life in Random Bits #recipe #weightwatchers

Fruited Jello (Weight Watchers = 1PP per serving)

1 large box of Jello (any flavor works, but raspberry is best)
1 cup halved green grapes
1 can mandarin oranges, drained

Make the jello according to the box directions.
Pour it into a pan. (9x13 will make a fairly thin jello so I usually use the next size down, whatever that is. It's the size between 8x8 and 9x13.)
Let it cool in the fridge for about an hour.
Take it out and add add the fruit. Just drop it in, don't mix it up.
Let it chill for a few hours, then take it out and devour it!

Oh, for an added kick, you can substitute gingerale for the cold water.

Also, I don't exactly know why Weight Watchers told me this is 1 point per serving. Sugar free jello is no points, fruit is no points, and I made mine with water, not the gingerale. So, whatever. It's a delicious and guilt free snack.

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Link up or visit some other blogs see what other tasty treats are being cooked up this weekend!

Linked up at Yesterfood, A Dish of Daily Life, This Silly Girl's Life, View from the Fridge, The Grant Life, Just Us Four.