
Mondays are for...

#playinmay Day 4: Mondays are for b@#ching

Today's Play in May prompt? Mondays are for B@#ching. Which is often true.

My Mondays are usually fairly quiet at work, though, and I'm far more prone to complaining than anything else. Well, out loud I'm more likely to complain. In my head... watch out.

My litany today goes a little something like this:

I'm tired. So tired.

Where's the coffee? What do you mean it's decaf? Who drinks decaf?

Crap, I forgot my salad in the fridge at home.

Why did Phee have to wake up at 2:30 this morning and why did I have to stay awake after that? Man her bed is uncomfortable. We are going to have to buy a new mattress soon.

Ugh, it's 11:30 and I so don't feel like cooking dinner. I wonder if we have any mac & cheese? We must, I bought 10 boxes a couple months ago. We can't have eaten it all.

Why oh why does the phone keep ringing? No one is here today, stop calling.

I just want to be home in bed. How many hours until that happens? Ugh. At least Phee's tired too so we'll have a chill night.

Hmm... I'm going to need more coffee. Time to walk to Starbucks I guess.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Link up and see what some other bloggers have this fine [insert sarcasm] Monday morning.

Axis of Ineptitude