
34 looks good!

34 is looking good! www.lifeinrandombits.com #birthday #celebrate

Happy birthday to me! 34 is looking pretty good, I think. I'm at one of those points in life where I feel like I fit my age. I'm comfortable and happy and excited for more.

I have such a great little family that is spoiling me this week. Phee and I are having a pizza and movie night tonight. We're going to watch princess movies that she hasn't seen yet and she can't wait. We've narrowed it down to The Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast. I've already warned her that I'll be singing all the songs no matter which one we choose.

Before movies, I get to have popsicles with Phee's class for their splash day. It's the second year in a row that her summer splash days fall on the same day of the week as my birthday. So, today it's bomb pops for everyone! She really wants me to come splash with them, but I don't think I need to sit at my desk soaking wet for the rest of the day.

I get to go out to lunch with my coworker Pam and our newly retired coworker Jean. Lucky her... she's been sleeping in every day for two weeks now and I'm quite jealous. It will be nice to catch up with her and see how she's settling in to her slower paced days.

Tomorrow, Doug has someplace fun picked out for a lunch surprise. I'm quite looking forward to that! After our regular relaxing Friday afternoon, we're picking Phee up early to go bowling. She's never been and I think it'll be a riot. And then, mmmm, then I get to have a lovely seafood dinner. Lobster rolls, I'm coming for you!

Saturday night, I'm going to see Sarah McLachlan in concert. You know that band you discovered in high school that was the first band you completely loved and you listened to over and over? That's Sarah. I first heard her in an episode of Due South. I carefully scanned the credits and found her name and bought Fumbling Towards Ecstasy. I think I wore two cassette tapes down before I got a CD. To say that I'm excited for Saturday night would be a gross understatement.

Clearly, I like to celebrate my birthday! I love getting to share my fun with my family and friends. 34 is looking like it's going to be another crazy year, but it's looking good, too. There are lots of things I want to do and Doug and I are always dreaming up new plans. I never know what's actually going to stick or what we'll actually find ourselves doing, but that's part of the fun. And it's always fun!

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