
Playing with Chores

Kids can help wash and rise dishes as a way to help with chores and play in the water, too!   www.lifeinrandombits.com #kids #chores #play

Phee is a great helper around the house. She likes to be included and help with everything we're working on. It isn't always easy, of course, but it's fun for her.

There are all sorts of little chores she does now around the house: unloading silverware from the dishwasher, folding towels and napkins, putting groceries away, emptying trash cans. One of the very first things she ever helped with was dishes. I washed and she rinsed right next to me, standing on her little footstool.

It was a bit messier than I had anticipated. But, she was so thrilled to be helping that I finally quit worrying about all the water and just let her get on with it. She played and played, making up stories, swirling and dumping water.

It was interesting to watch her problem solve when she tried stacking up the rinsed dishes to dry. Everything doesn't always fit where you want it to go!

In the end, she was so proud of herself. She was helping, she was learning, she was a part of the household. Her sense of accomplishment and that fierce independence was so much fun to see. I just needed to let go a little bit and drop my expectations about how the task should be done. How it was done didn't matter. The process was the important part.

That's always the important part: the learning and growing. Sometimes it's me watching her grow, sometimes it's me figuring things out thanks to her actions or words. Kids are very good at keeping you busy with self-examination, deep thoughts about life, and wonder at their wisdom.

Kids are also adept at reminding you that everything is a game and can be played through. Even chores.

Kids can help wash and rise dishes as a way to help with chores and play in the water, too!   www.lifeinrandombits.com #kids #chores #play

What sorts of chores do your kids do around the house? Do you let them finish chores their own way?

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