
Lights & Music

Sarah McLachlan at ACL, Austin TX 8.2.14 - www.lifeinrandombits.com

Sarah McLachlan at ACL, Austin TX 8.2.14 - www.lifeinrandombits.com

Sarah McLachlan at ACL, Austin TX 8.2.14 - www.lifeinrandombits.com

Saturday night I went to see Sarah McLachlan. It would take me far more words than Wordless Wednesday should have to describe this concert to you, or to explain Sarah. Suffice it to say, she was the first musician I heard a snippet of on a show, searched for, and then listened to on repeat for years.

I don't listen to her music often anymore, but it's one of those things I know I can come back to and I'll feel better, even with all the memories that are attached to her music for me. So, yea, Saturday night was kind of a big deal.

Share your first musical love in the comments. It's so much fun to hear about people's favorite artists, songs, and shows.

Linked up at A Star in My Own Universe, Coffee Jitters, Mama to 5 Blessings, Feed Me Dearly.